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Adverb and Definition of Adverb – क्रिया विशेषण

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

क्रिया विशेषण:

क्रिया का विशेषता बतलाने वाला। क्रिया के बारे में कुछ भी बोलने वाला। कभी-कभी यह Adjective के बारे में बोलता है। जैसे -

A very good boy.

कभी-कभी यह दुसरे Adverb के बारे में भी बोलता है। जैसे -

A very-very good boy.

कभी-कभी यह सम्पूर्ण वाक्य के बारे में बोलता है। जैसे -

Unfortunately I failed.

It says sometimes something about the verb, sometimes something about adjective, sometimes something about another adverb and sometimes something about the whole sentence.

Adverb of Manner:

It says the mod of the verb.

It generally answers the question 'how'.

For example - quickly, neatly, calmly etc.

Generally adverbs of manner are formed by the adding 'ly' after adjective of quality. For example -

Neat - Neatly

Quick - Quickly etc.

But sometimes they work without 'ly' in both - adverb and adjective. These are - Best, Much, Late, Last, First, Fast, Hard, Next, Back Little, Better, Good, Less etc.

Sometimes they work with 'ly' in both - adverb and adjective. These are - Yearly, Early, Daily, Weakly, Monthly etc.

Adverb of Place:

It says the place of the work. It generally answers the question 'where'. For example - Here, There, In the corner etc.

Adverb of Time:

It says the time of verb.

It generally answer the question 'when'. For example - Now, This time, Present time, Yesterday, Ago, Last day etc.

Adverb of Degree:

It says the quantity of the work. It generally answers the question 'how much'. For example - Little, A little, the little, Much, Less, Some, Enough etc.

Adverb of Reason:

It says the reason of the work. It generally answers the question 'why'. For example - Since, So, Why, That is why etc.

Adverb of Number:

It says the number of the work. It generally answers the question 'how often'. For example - Once, Twice, Thrice, Four time, Eleven time etc.

Interrogative Adverb:

It asks the question about the verb. For example - What, Where, When Why, How often, How, How long etc.


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