As I already mentioned in my previous post about noun that it is the name of person or places.
Now, here I am going to write about hot tips of noun. At first noun has been divided in to five parts in old grammar.
Those are:
- Proper noun
- Common noun
- Collative noun
- Martial noun
- Abstract noun
But in modern grammar it has been divided into three parts only:
- Proper noun
- Countable noun
- Uncountable noun
Noun tips for Translations:
Noun is always known as singular in its natural form. For example: a pen, a book, a watch etc.
Normally we make a plural noun by adding “s” or “es”.
Car- Cars
Boy- Boys
Noun Tips - 1
If in the end of a noun there is “s”, “sh”, “ss”, “z” or “ch” than to make it plural we add “es” in the end of the noun. For example:
Bus- Buses
Topaz- Topazes
Torch- Torches
Note - If a noun has ending point of “ch” however the sound comes for “ka” not “ch” than to make it plural we add only “s”. For example:
Stomach, Stomachs Monarch, Monarch
Noun Tips - 2
If a singular noun contain “f” or “fe” in the last of the word then after removing “f” or “fe” we add “ves”. For example:
Wife – wives
Knife – knives
Leaf – Leaves
Sheaf – Sheaves
Note - If any words contain “f” or “fe” in the last of the word and they are not noun then to make that plural simply we add “s”. For example:
Chef – Chefs
Belief – Beliefs
Grief – Griefs
Gulf – Gulfs
Noun Tips - 3
If a noun end with “Y” and before “Y” that contain consonant then to make that plural we can remove “Y” with the “ies”. For example:
Army – Armies
Lady – Ladies
Note - If a noun contain “Y” in the end of the word and before “y” if we find vowel then to make that plural we should simply add “s”. For example:
Boy – Boys
Day – Days
Noun Tips - 4
If a noun contain “o” in the end of the word and before it there is consonant then to make that plural we should add “es”. For example:
Hero – Heroes
Mango – Mangoes
Note - If the noun contain “o” in the end of the word and before it there is vowel then to make plural we add only “s”. For example:
Zoo – Zoos
Portfolios – Portfolios
Noun Tips - 5
Some nouns don’t follow any rules of English grammar. For example:
Child – Children
Man – Men
Woman – Women
Tooth – Teeth
Moue – Mice
Goose – Geese
Foot –Feet
Noun Tips – 6
The noun which is in compound word but they have not hyphen between the words then simply we add “s” in the end of the noun. For example:
Cupful - Cupfuls
Handful – Handfuls
Noun Tips – 7
Noun which is divided by hyphen, to make that plural we add “s” in the important parts of the word. For example:
Arm- chair - Arm chairs
Tooth- brush – Tooth – brushes
Pass- book – Pass – books
Class – room –Class-rooms
Ticket – collector- Ticket- collectors
Noun Tips - 8
If the noun which is formed by compound and that has one portion is preposition then to make that plural we add “s” which comes before the preposition. For example:
Father-in-low – Fathers – in – low
Passer- by - Passers – by
Hanger on – Hangers – on
Noun Tips – 9
If the compound noun has man or woman then to make that plural we need to add “s” in the whole. For example:
Man- servant - Men – servants
Woman- engineer - Women engineers
Note - But if the noun has man or woman in spite of the meaning of that word not comes from man or woman then to make plural that we add only “s” in the word of end. For example:
Man- eater - Man eaters
Woman Hatter –Woman hatters
Noun Tips -10
The word which comes from two nouns then to make that plural we have to add “s” or “es” in both words. For example:
Lord Justice – Lords Justices
Lord Governor – Lords Governors
Knight Templar - Knight Templars
Noun Tips -11
The noun which comes from Latin word and in the end of the word contain “us” then to make plural that we remove “us” and only add “i”. For example:
Fungus – Fungi
Radius – Radii
Syllabus – Syllabi
Locus – Loci
Note - But the noun comes from Latin word and contain “on” in the end of the word then to make that plural we remove “on” and add “a”. For example:
Criterion – Criteria
Phenomenon – Phenomena
But which noun contain “is” in the end of the word than to make that plural we should remove “is” and add “es”. For example:
Basis Bases
Crisis -Crises
Thesis – Theses
Axis Axes
Noun Tips -12
All the things of the world which makes from two parts and both parts has own importance, known as plural. For example:
Scissors, Trousers, Sues etc.
Note - But in the above noun if we add a pair of then it will be treat as singular noun. For example:
A pair of sues is missing.
Noun Tips -13
Part of the body which is single, known as singular noun. For example:
Nose, Tongue, etc.
Note - If we talk about whole hair then it is known as singular noun. For example:
Her hair is sighing.
Note - But if hair is countable then it can be plural or singular. For example:
Your one hair is white but my five hairs are white.
Noun Tips – 14
Alms, Riches, Eaves, Precisely they are counted as singular noun but now they are counted as plural noun.
Tips of noun – 15
All the things which are relative to study known as singular noun. For example:
Mathematics, economies etc.
Note - But the study marital known as private property then it is considered as plural noun. For example:
The Mathematics of S.C. Sinha are good.
Noun Tips – 16
Brick and stone known as singular noun take singular verb. For example:
The brick of my house is strong.
Note - But brick and stone use as private to make house then it is use as plural noun. For example:
There were bricks biting on the road of secretariat.
Noun Tips – 17
If we use police then it is plural noun but if we use man in police then it will be known as singular noun. For example:
Police are corrupt.
But the
Police man is honest.
Note - But if there are more than one police men then it is known as plural noun according to the situation. For example:
Police men are watching.
Noun Tips – 18
Poetry always knows as singular noun but if we need to plural it then we go with poem because it is not possible to make plural of poetry. For example:
The poetry in nice.
The poem is nice.
Poems are nice.
Note - Some nouns always known as singular noun even we add “s” in them. For example:
Iron - Irons
Copper - coppers
Sand - sands
Number - Numbers
Custom - customs
Land - lands
Pain - pains
Powder - powders
Air - Airs
Wood - woods
Alphabet - Alphabets
Abuse - Abuses
Water - waters
Colour - colours
Noun Tips – 19
Normally, the word which end from “ry”, known as singular noun. For Excample:
Scenery, crockery etc.
Note - But some word which end from “ry”, known as plural. For example:
Poultry, Gentry, Peasantry, Cab alary etc.
Gentry are combining.
These are the some Noun tips which we normally use to make sentences.
What do you ment by "A pair of sues" Is it Shoes.
above that also you have written "sues" What is that? Is it also shoes?
Yes it should be - "A pair of shoes is missing" rather than "sues". Thanks for your precious suggestion.
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